Your never too old to make a Snowman!
Maybe you’re a mom who wants to impress your son or daughter this winter by showing off your awesome snowman building skills. Or maybe you’re just a kid at heart who’s itching to make a snowman like you did in winters past.
Either way, building an incredible snowman is going to take some preparation, it may not be as easy as it sounds. You’ll need to find a good location, create the right shape, and then add your finishing touches.
The first thing you need to do is figure out what size you want your snowman to be and how far apart you want each body part (i.e., head, arms, etc.). The size of your desired snowman should also depend on how much space you have available in your yard.
Choosing the Best Location for your Snowman
It all depends on what you want to do with your snowman. It could be a yard decoration or a fun project to do with the kids.
If you want to set up your snowman as decoration, then finding a location that can complement its size is important. A nice idea would be putting it in front of the house, where everyone can see it from the street and admire it.
The location of your snowman can change the appearance dramatically. For example, if you place your snowman in a field, it will make it look like it is standing alone, with nothing else around it. But, it might look sad. You can also place them in a forest or on a mountain and it may appear it’s just gazing at a starry night waiting for Santa.
The Base of a Good Snowman is Important
The base is often the largest part of the snowman and typically forms its foundation. The base is almost always what determines whether or not the snowman will be able to stand on its own and support the middle and head of the sculpture, so it’s important to build it sturdily.
Adding Features and Accessories to your Snowman
You can give your snowman a hat for a more classic look. You can also give your snowman buttons if you want to represent eyes and a carrot for the nose.

Don’t forget to gather sticks for the arms. Add some finishing touches like a hat, scarf and gloves. Be creative! And have fun making your very own snowman filled with personality and cuteness!